24 Ияра 5784 г., суббота недели, гл. Бамидбар

Military escalation is increasing around the world

The United States, in turn, does not increase its nuclear readiness, obviously not willing to intensify the escalation. At the same time, U.S. authorities are apparently monitoring this situation closely.

19.12.2022 411 (0)
Military escalation is increasing around the world
Yars photo: Vitaly V. Kuzmin

This is the third day Russian propaganda channels have been broadcasting pictures of “Yars”, strategic intercontinental ballistic missile systems deployed north of Moscow, in the Tver region. These missiles, equipped with dividing warheads, were designed to carry several nuclear warheads at once (usually: 3-4 for each missile) for a distance of up to 12,000 km. In other words, they are capable of hitting anywhere in Europe and the United States.

The United States, in turn, does not increase its nuclear readiness, obviously not willing to intensify the escalation. At the same time, U.S. authorities are apparently monitoring this situation closely.

Simultaneously, tensions are growing on the other side of the globe: between Japan, Taiwan and the United States on the one side and China and North Korea on the other.

Today the Japanese authorities made an unprecedented announcement that they intend to invest a tremendous amount of $320 billion over the next five years in the development and purchase of new advanced weapons.

This announcement ranks Japan among the countries with the highest military expenditures in the world. Remarkably, this is happening after many decades (in fact, since the end of World War II) during which Japan had a relatively small armed forces.

It is worth mentioning that Germany (facing a growing Russian threat) also announced a few months ago that it would spend 100 billion euros on military expenditures. However, even though we are talking about a very large sum, Japanese investments are much more serious.

Japan is concerned both with the fast-growing Chinese threat and with the threats presented by North Korea, which in recent months has been intentionally triggering Western countries by firing missiles near Japan as part of its “missile showdown”. It seems that Japan wants to increase its military capabilities as quickly and instantly as possible, so it is investing hundreds of billions of dollars in the next few years for this purpose.

In return, we would like to mention once again the promise and prophecy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach SHLITA, that the Redemption will come in kindness and mercy. The terrible disasters preceding it have already passed (including the terrible Shoah, may the Almighty have mercy on us), and, therefore, no more world wars can occur in the starting point of the true and complete Redemption.

Good tidings and a good week to us!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Военная эскалация нарастает по всему миру Comments: 0

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