24 Ияра 5784 г., суббота недели, гл. Бамидбар

The Collapse of the Governments of the World's Nations

The governments of the world nations are in decline and this brings us closer to revealing the power of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach SHLITA, may it happen as soon as possible!

28.12.2022 473 (0)
The Collapse of the Governments of the World's Nations
The Collapse of the Governments of the World's Nations

One of the signs of the coming Redemption is the collapse of the governments of the world’s nations, as stated in the holy book of Zohar: "At that time I will bring down the governments of the world’s nations, but Israel...I will take them out of exile. (Tikunei Zohar, par. 21). In other words, at the time of the Redemption, the power of the world nations` governments will collapse, and then the people of Israel will come out of exile.

What are we witnessing now? First, the immediate collapse of most of the strongest regimes in the Middle East. Second, the very significant weakening of almost all world powers. To be more specific: Russia.

This country’s economy is experiencing a serious crisis because of the economic sanctions imposed on it since the start of the war against Ukraine (some of the sanctions have been in effect since the occupation of Crimea and the eastern regions of Ukraine for eight years now). Militarily, the Russian army has practically crumbled in recent days under the impact of the Ukrainian counterattack. As a result, Russia’s position in the world has dropped to an unprecedented low level during the war.


Johnson’s government has fallen. The Queen of Great Britain also passed away. At the same time she was queen of 14 other countries and the head of the entire British Commonwealth, so her death symbolizes the fall of many governments at once, and of course the fall of Britain itself.

The economic situation in Britain is not so simple either, demonstrated by the serious value drop of the British pound and the jump in energy prices, which have risen by eighty percent! In Britain, everyone is terrified about the coming winter and the problems arising from the shortage of Russian gas, which could directly affect the heating of millions of homes. (Thanks to the previous government in Israel for providing us with our own gas!) Meanwhile, a drought has already been officially declared in Britain.


Since the coronavirus crisis began, China has become a country treated with suspicion by most of the world countries. Its trade relations have suffered greatly in the last two years, as well as its economy overall. China is still implementing a very strict policy to fight the coronavirus, shutting down huge areas in quarantines and imposing restrictions on them, thus affecting the lives of hundreds of millions. All this further worsens China’s economic situation and interferes with its program to expand and strengthen its armed forces.

China’s dream of taking over the world through the “One Belt, One Road” initiative underwent a fatal blow. Meanwhile, China is also currently suffering from drought and has already officially made this information public.


In a speech about two weeks ago, President Macron referred to the serious effects of the climate crisis, the drought, the massive urban fires hitting his country, and the economic crisis due to the war in Ukraine, saying: “What we are experiencing now is the end of prosperity era, the end of unconcerned life era, and the role of leaders is to bring the truth to the public honestly, without inciting panic.” That is said enough.


The last and the strongest superpower of the 20th century is rapidly losing its position as a foreign policy player in the Middle East and, more generally, in the world. Their influence is still great, but the weak and inconsistent policies of the Biden administration continue to destroy the country’s once powerful reputation. President Biden is generally seen as an incredibly weak president and every move he makes proves this point. At the same time, the U.S. economy is also suffering from a variety of problems, including the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine. The U.S. military is also much weaker than before.

To sum it up: the governments of the world nations are in decline and this brings us closer to revealing the power of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach SHLITA, may it happen as soon as possible!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Падение правительств народов мира Comments: 0

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