25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Japanese Ambassador Visits Kfar Chabad with Rabbi Edery

Rabbi Edery took the ambassador to the replica of 770 (Lubavitch World Headquarters) in Kfar Chabad. It was very interesting to see the synagouge and house of learning and the many people who attend daily.

16.06.2012 5711 (0)
Japanese Ambassador Visits Kfar Chabad with Rabbi Edery
Japanese Ambassador Visits Kfar Chabad with Rabbi Edery

Rabbi Edery just arrived back from his trip to Israel. Among the many things accomplished, Rabbi Edery invited the Japanese Ambassador to Israel, Mr. Hideo Sato for a tour of Kfar Chabad his hometown. The ambassador heard about the many activities and of the dedication and ongoing efforts toward the people of Tohoku. He was very moved by Rabbi Edery's work toward the Japanese people, helping to make their lives better on all levels.

Rabbi Edery took the ambassador to the replica of 770 (Lubavitch World Headquarters) in Kfar Chabad. It was very interesting to see the synagouge and house of learning and the many people who attend daily. After seeing and learning the uniqueness of this building, he turned to Rabbi Edery and said: "Let's build 770 in Japan!" Right on.

The last stop was to Rabbi Edery's parents house, where he was introduced to Rabbi Edery's parents. Rabbi Nissim and Simcha Edery take care of mentally handicapped war veterans, for over forty years. All the guests drank L'chaim with Rabbi Edery's Kosher Dassai Sake, made in Japan. The ambassador expressed his admiration and appreciation for the Rabbi's tireless work, and blessed him with continued success.

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