25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

The Joy of Chanukah

As sociology professor Gad Yair contends, in every historical period the existence of the Jewish people has been opposed by villains, whose behavior Jewish society viewed in terms of past persecutors.

18.12.2022 415 (0)
The Joy of Chanukah
The Joy of Chanukah

The upcoming holiday of Chanukah, which symbolizes the victory of Judaism and the true Jewish way of life over the foreign illusory thinking based on the ideas of paganism, makes us reflect on the present situation of Jewish society.

As sociology professor Gad Yair contends, in every historical period the existence of the Jewish people has been opposed by villains, whose behavior Jewish society viewed in terms of past persecutors: the Egyptian Pharaoh, Haman, the Greeks, and other villains, who wanted to destroy the Jewish people.

The reasons for this hatred the Jewish sages saw in what the Jewish people live by: the Torah and the commands of the Almighty. The professor also notes that the political rhetoric of Ahmadinejad or Nasrallah is so close to Hitler's speeches that it contains the same narratives and phrases of the desire to destroy the Jewish people.

Because of the difficult, tragic moments of Jewish history, some Jews are not trying to desire full possession of the Land of Israel within its boundaries as spelled out in the Torah. Is it worth it to fall into sadness, worry, and fear over possible threats?

The answer is: No! Instead, the results of the Hanukkah holiday teach us that at that time the Jewish people wanted to struggle in full strength for their way of life, which connects them to the Almighty, despite the overwhelming hostility of the enemy. And now it would be impossible to look at the entire land of Israel, and Jerusalem in particular, as something that is some kind of private property, without the will of the Jewish people to unite all the territories of Israel into a single entity, within boundaries rooted in the Torah, to govern Jerusalem, the city in which the Jewish Temple is located and the only place on Earth, that has connection with the Almighty.

It is worth examining that attempts to propose the division of the land with its neighbors are not in accordance primarily with the plans of the neighbours of the Jewish people, whose true desires, supported by the terrorist partners Iran and other hostile countries, are: to own solely all the territories of Israel, and to destroy the Jewish people. On the eve of Chanukah we must also use our potential to add good deeds, including good deeds towards our nearest, so that all Jewish people will be honored to meet the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach Shlita, and the world will be blessed with the infinite goodness and mercy of the Almighty.

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