25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Spirituality from a Jewish perspective is a necessary basis for existence

Reflections of such mass behavior by Chinese citizens can also be found in the individual work of some contemporary scholars. Certain representatives of the social-behavioral sciences.

19.12.2022 460 (0)
Spirituality from a Jewish perspective is a necessary basis for existence
Spirituality from a Jewish perspective is a necessary basis for existence

Bloggers in China, from their personal experience, describe the results of the authorities of that country as they fight against the presence of spirituality of the population and the desire to replace spirituality with communist ideology in the following ways. The main results of this fight have been the progressive growth of superstition, the growing number of idolatrous cults, fraudulent magicians, healers, fortune-tellers, and other charlatans who seek to fill the population's lack of desire to get closer to spirituality. Rather than the public possibly accepting the laws of Noah, the authorities constantly emphasize the connection with Chinese symbols: the dragon (a prototype of the snake), the red color (interpreted extremely negatively by Jewish sages), communist "leaders" (a cult of worship that is comparable to the worship of idols).

Reflections of such mass behavior by Chinese citizens can also be found in the individual work of some contemporary scholars. Certain representatives of the social-behavioral sciences, while trying to move away from spirituality but confronted by things beyond reason in their personal lives or in the context of science, often misguide themselves, have wrong preconceptions, and are susceptible to superstition simply because of a lack of knowledge about the world around them.

When they are intelligent enough and aim to find out the truth, they can turn to the opinions of Torah scholars in their generation and find the answers they need. This is even more true for addressing through the "Igrot Kodesh" to the the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach SHLITA, the head of the generation, who said about himself on Saturday 7 Elul 5751 (8.08.1991) that he, "the head of our generation" - is a prophet. The Rebbe gave instructions to spread information all over the world about the necessity to obey the instructions of the prophet and to believe all his words, especially the prophecy that "here comes Moshiach" (more about the fulfilled prophecies of the Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach SHLITA in this article).

During the entire history of the Jewish people, every Jew is empowered to transform the universe, including the most righteous, and moreover, the head of a generation. Are we able to understand at least a small part of the wonderful results of the Jewish people serving the Almighty?

Perhaps we can. If the Torah speaks about Adam who was in paradise, that he said to the animals adoring him, let's go and worship the true Creator who created all of you, then now the world has elevated and every Jew (whom the Torah calls a human with a part of Adam) can offer a non-Jew who, unlike animals, has free choice to fulfill Noah's 7 laws, become a dignified representative of the progressive world. After all, according to the Jewish righteous, progress is meant to ease human labor and life and provide more time for spirituality and the fulfilling of good deeds in the name of the Almighty.

Have good tidings and swift revelation of Lubavitcher Rebbe King Moshiach SHLITA in our days right now!

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