25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Danger: Moscow and Tehran Expanding Cooperation

In turn, Israel expresses its concerns about the Russia possible desire for trying to limit Israel's freedom of action in Syria at the present stage.

22.12.2022 417 (0)
Danger: Moscow and Tehran Expanding Cooperation

The relations between the Russian regime and our most evil enemies, the extremist Iranian ayatollahs, are unfortunately getting tighter and tighter. In recent weeks, there have been a lot of reports in both Israel and the US on this subject.

As the example, it has become well known that Iranian pilots have already begun training on the Su-35 fighters, the multipurpose, ultra-maneuverable fourth-generation fighters developed in 2008 - in fact, the most advanced combat aircraft available in the Russian weaponry (except for the Su-57, which has not yet been put into service). Israeli intelligence officials are concerned with the future handing over of the high-quality Su-35s to Iran.

Iran, in return, has sent another large group of strike drones to Russia. Now, after a period of relative calm of strike drone attacks, in recent days Russian forces have once again started to send dozens of them every day, destroying Ukraine's electricity and water infrastructure, and leaving its residents in an extremely difficult situation, in the middle of a tough winter.

In addition, CIA sources recently reported that intelligence and technical ties between the Russian and Iranian regimes have become very tight.

Yesterday, Bloomberg published reports based on satellite imagery that Russia and Iran are investing a whopping $20 billion to expand their trade ties, both by building new and extensive rail lines and by shipping.

Ned Price, the chief of the press service of the US State Department, has said that, in terms of US opinion, the military-technical cooperation between Iran and Russia is turning into a "full-fledged defense partnership".

In turn, Israel expresses its concerns about the Russia possible desire for trying to limit Israel's freedom of action in Syria at the present stage. In any case, Israel is already saying (thus unofficially so far) that it will not allow this happen under any circumstances, since our freedom of action in Syria remains our essential security importance.

It is worth mentioning the fact that Iran is getting tighter relations with Russia may indirectly benefit Israel. After all, such union increases the probability that the US will not sign any nuclear agreement with the Iranian regime.

In the West, both in Europe and in the U.S., there is an increasingly obvious fact that the Iranian regime is a threat to world peace, not just to the Middle East and Israel.

Iran supplies Russia with thousands of strike drones used by the Russian army in attacks against Ukrainian civilians. Moreover, according to additional information, Iran is also going to supply Russia with missiles.

All of this makes the NATO alliance realize the need to terminate the Iranian regime rather than sign a nuclear agreement with it, which can only increase the threats created by the extremists.

Good tidings to us all.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Опасность: Москва и Тегеран расширяют сотрудничество Comments: 0

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