25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Protecting the lives of civilians is the top priority for the new Israeli government

And today the IDF conducted devastating strikes against targets in Gaza and successfully destroyed an underground Hamas military factory in the Gaza Strip!

27.01.2023 468 (0)
Protecting the lives of civilians is the top priority for the new Israeli government
Protecting the lives of civilians is the top priority for the new Israeli government

Israel’s new government is responding more firmly and strongly to threats to the civilian lives. On Tuesday the Israeli Knesset extended the emergency orders in the West Bank for another five years. Besides the fact that the extension of these orders is a legal basis for Jews living there that they should be treated as if they were living in Israel under the Israeli law, including full legal assistance from Israel, it is also one of the signals that the Jews’ calls addressed to previous governments: to stop harming the Land of Israel, to stop treating the safety of the people living there irresponsibly, can now be heard better than before.

Already, during these days we are witnessing how the decisions of the Israeli government are being supported in other countries, including the United States. Along with the preparation of a new law in the Knesset,aimed at prohibiting supporters of the boycott of Israel from being elected to that authority, there are more and more facts in the US according to which human rights and public activists are being criticized by senators for their official support of the Palestinian Arab-led boycott and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

Remarkably, more and more world countries are drawing the necessary line between public, human rights activities and support for terrorist activities, condemning the latter legally.

Thank G-d that the burning of the Torah scroll in Sweden was stopped after the protests in Israel, which also manifests the needs for a clear distinction between the human freedoms/liberties and visible manifestations of anti-Semitism.

Another crucial event of this week is that, Israel and the U.S. completed the largest joint exercise in history. 6,400 U.S. troops, 1,500 Israeli soldiers and more than 140 aircraft, 12 naval ships and artillery systems from both countries, aimed at countering possible threats. The U.S. remains one of Israel’s most important international allies.

Israel also conducted a successful special operation against terrorist groups in Jenin, in which a group of terrorists of the terrorist organization Islamic Jihad (funded by Iran) was neutralized. Around nine terrorists were neutralized. Thank G-d, there were no casualties among Jews.

And today the IDF conducted devastating strikes against targets in Gaza and successfully destroyed an underground Hamas military factory in the Gaza Strip!

All of these actions to protect civilians, as well as the implementation of necessary judicial reform, can further strengthen the Land of Israel and Israel’s position as a strong partner that protects the interests of Jews in the region.

Let us hope that the efforts of the new government of Israel, with G-d’s help, will lead to even stronger security for all Jews and completely neutralize Israel’s enemies.

True and complete security and Redemption of the Jewish People is possible with the coming of the righteous Moshiach. The Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA, King Moshiach repeatedly emphasizes that only a strong Torah-based approach will lead to peace, prosperity and flourishing — evidence of total Redemption. We must ask G-d to reveal the Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA, King Moshiach as soon as possible, and that this time should come right now!

Ребе Король Мошиах
Ребе Король Мошиах

I would also like to remind you of the important commandment to light candles before the Shabbat. The Rebbe writes that holy Shabbat candles can be stronger, more powerful and more accurate than any real weapon.

From Дайджест за неделю. Глава «Бо» 5783 года Comments: 0

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