25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Purim victories over “today’s Aman.”

Our fighters surrounded the home where the terrorist assassin was hiding, then as a result of the ongoing firefight, they killed him and five other terrorists.

08.03.2023 440 (0)
Purim victories over “today’s Aman.”
Purim victories over “today’s Aman.”

Yesterday IDF forces eliminated six terrorists in Jenin, including the one who killed the Yaniv brothers, Hillel and Yagel, may their memory be blessed. The operation was carried out by the YAMAM anti-terrorist Israeli police unit, the “Haruv” reconnaissance battalion (“Kfir” brigade), the MAGAV border police special forces and the 877th Judea and Samaria Territorial Division (the “Ayosh” Division).

Our fighters surrounded the home where the terrorist assassin was hiding, then as a result of the ongoing firefight, they killed him and five other terrorists. In addition, 23 enemy fighters were wounded. On our side, one fighter was wounded moderately and two others slightly, and we wish them a speedy recovery.

By the mercy of the Almighty and by his miracles revealed to us, the terrorist-killer, along with his five wanted partners, was destroyed on Purim, precisely! “So may perish all Your enemies, O L-rd!”

In fact, it turned out that the liquidated terrorist had already been arrested and was kept in prison for 40 months, and then released.

In other words, if our country had used the death penalty against terrorists, or at least deported them to other countries or to the Gaza Strip, as well as used other serious constraints on the terrorist clans, the murder of the Yaniv brothers could have been avoided.

The implementation of the death penalty against terrorists could both act as a deterrent and prevent terrorist attacks, as well as prevent terrorist organizations from being motivated to kidnap Israelis for the purpose of exchanging kidnapped people for terrorists.

Yesterday, another Purim miracle also happened — a possible terrorist from the Arab village of Urif managed to infiltrate the Kumi Ori neighborhood of the Jewish settlement of Yitzhar. By the grace of G-d, he was seized just a few meters from one of the houses and was taken into custody by the security services. “Give thanks to the L-rd for He is good, for His kindness is everlasting.”

The fall of Iran continues

Meanwhile, problems are also occurring for our enemies in Iran, i.e., Persia. The authorities are unable to cover up one of their recent horrific crimes: the mass poisoning of children in schools, apparently organized in order to suppress the unrest among high school students.

A representative of the Iranian parliament, a member of the regime’s “commission of incident investigation”, officially admitted that poisonings had taken place in 230 schools, affecting 5,000 students. Most of these chemical poisonings occurred in girls’ schools, apparently where revolutionary sentiments among female students were particularly strong.

It is clear that the task of this “commission of inquiry” is to hide the involvement of the authorities in a terrible crime. But it becomes more and more difficult, because everyone understands that the simultaneous poisoning of thousands of children could not be the result of some local accident, as the authorities used to say, but was a deliberate poisoning, organized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards or other forces of the regime.

As a result, revolutionary protests began to spread again all over Iran. We can only hope that the Iranian regime that ruthlessly poisoned young girls will fall as soon as possible!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Пуримские победы над «сегодняшним Аманом» Comments: 0

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