25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

High-ranking terrorist killed in Damascus

The high-ranking terrorist was killed by gunmen who shot him while traveling in the suburbs of Damascus.

20.03.2023 357 (0)
High-ranking terrorist killed in Damascus
High-ranking terrorist killed in Damascus

A high-ranking Islamic Jihad terrorist was killed in Damascus yesterday. The terrorist organization rushed to accuse the Israeli Mossad of the assassination. The terrorist was an engineer who reportedly specialized in manufacturing and assembling explosive charges, and may also have been involved in launching rockets.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “We are getting to terrorists and their leaders everywhere” — and perhaps this is a reference to the liquidation that took place in Syria.

This operation took place immediately after the Megido bombing, and it is possible that there is a connection between the two, since this engineer was also involved in the production and assembly of explosive devices.

The high-ranking terrorist was killed by gunmen who shot him while traveling in the suburbs of Damascus.

“So may perish all Your enemies, O L-rd!”

According to Arab reports, after this operation, many high-ranking members of terrorist organizations — in Gaza and Syria — “went underground” — and are now in their hiding places, fearing that they will also be eliminated.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From В Дамаске уничтожили высокопоставленного террориста Comments: 0

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