25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Impose the death penalty on terrorists!

The apparent miracle was that even though the terrorist shot David at very close range, the wound was not fatal; and even after that, David managed to shoot him back and wound him!

20.03.2023 386 (0)
Impose the death penalty on terrorists!
Impose the death penalty on terrorists!

David Stern, a Jew from the United States, was wounded yesterday in a terrorist attack in Hawara. It was initially reported that he was seriously injured, but it was later revealed that the injury was not serious. The director of the treatment center reported on David’s condition and said: “A great miracle has happened here!”

Indeed, Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach repeated many times that the month of Nisan indicates “miracles.” The previous day, as we know, was the Sabbath, when the month of Nisan was blessed, and now we are already witnessing miracles!

The apparent miracle was that even though the terrorist shot David at very close range, the wound was not fatal; and even after that, David managed to shoot him back and wound him!

The terrorist dropped his weapon and fled, but was caught after a trail of his blood reached the hiding place. There he was captured and arrested.

Meanwhile, David managed to put a tourniquet on himself and later called for medical aid.

David’s wife and two children were also with him, but they were not hurt by the car fire. Thank G-d!

David and his wife are U.S. citizens; David is an educator as well as a combat training instructor in Samaria and a former U.S. Marine Corps soldier.

Rachel, Stern’s wife, recounted: “We were driving down the road, and all of a sudden a shot rang out. He was shot in the arm and head. In spite of that, he responded by shooting... After checking, the CT scan turned out to be normal. God willing, he will be fine. It really is a visible miracle.”

As mentioned, David Stern acted heroically, and although dozens of bullets were fired at the car and he was wounded in the head and shoulder, he returned fire at the terrorist...

And again, another attack near Hawara, a Palestinian terror town for which leftist activists had launched a fund-raising campaign just weeks before!

The fact that the terrorist was captured alive, unfortunately, and not eliminated, means that he will now be transferred to a prison, where he will enjoy excellent conditions. And this only reinforces our demand: a death penalty law for terrorists — now!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Нужно вынести смертную казнь для террористов! Comments: 0

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