25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Israel is one of the safest places in the world

I’d suggest looking at this situation in a broader way, realizing that even in this context, Israel remains one of the most prosperous places in the world...

23.03.2023 424 (0)
Israel is one of the safest places in the world
Israel is one of the safest places in the world

Many people in Israel feel threatened by the unpunished violence of leftist hooligans who terrorize people in the streets day after day. I’d suggest looking at this situation in a broader way, realizing that even in this context, Israel remains one of the most prosperous places in the world...

France. At the present moment for almost a week now, the country has been literally on fire, with violent demonstrations and protests shaking the country after President Macron used his special presidential power to change the retirement age, in spite of widespread public opposition. However, what can they do? France is aging rapidly and the low birth rate is creating a growing shortage of workers...

Germany. There is a wave of major strikes and demonstrations imminent over the next few days because of economic problems and the demands of the trade union organization Verdi, which represents 2.5 million workers. The German government has rejected these demands because they would make the economic crisis even worse. In response, it is expected that there will be massive demonstrations by activists of this trade union — including workers at airports, trains and public transport — all of which will be paralyzed in the coming demonstrations and protests.

UK: the economic situation in this country is also worsening.

USA: The charge brought by the Democrats against former Republican President Trump, which threatened to arrest him, has collapsed and turned out to be fake. Obviously, this whole situation does not strengthen the social climate in the country and threatens to escalate into even greater social tensions.

Russia: the invasion of Ukraine, followed by international sanctions, increased persecution of the opposition — the situation there is getting worse and worse.

China: despite active foreign policy steps and the demonstration that everything is supposedly going well, the country has still not recovered from the severe crisis caused by the epidemic.

Hence, the global economic crisis continues to worsen and shake the countries of the world one by one. However, we see in this the signs of the coming Redemption, about which the Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach has been talking about for more than thirty years now.

Therefore, we should not be depressed and fearful. Instead, may the events that are taking place fill us with confidence and happiness, indicating that Redemption is coming to us on a great speed!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Израиль — одно из самых благополучных мест в мире Comments: 0

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