25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Israel attacked Damascus and launched a satellite

Note that we are not talking about an “ordinary” satellite photographing the surface of the planet.

31.03.2023 399 (0)
Israel attacked Damascus and launched a satellite
Israel attacked Damascus and launched a satellite

Last night the Israeli Air Force carried out another attack in Syria, on the outskirts of Damascus. Apparently the weapons depots of pro-Iranian fighters were bombed.

A new Israeli reconnaissance satellite was launched last night. The Space and Satellite Authority under the Defense Research and Development Directorate of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, the Israel Defense Forces and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) successfully launched the Ofek 13 satellite.

Note that we are not talking about an “ordinary” satellite photographing the surface of the planet.

Using the most modern and advanced technology, Ofek 13 obtains “images” by means of radar film techniques — SAR (synthetic-aperture radar). This allows meteorological conditions and light levels to have much less impact on the quality of the information collected. So that neither high cloudiness, nor other weather conditions or darkness prevent it from acquiring detailed and accurate images.

In the past, Israel already launched two similar satellites using SAR technology: Ofek 8 and Ofek 10.

Apparently, the new satellite has much broader capabilities and is also designed to replace outdated and obsolete older models.

Note that along with radar satellites, Israel also uses a number of advanced photographic satellites, including: “Ofek 16”, “Ofek 9”, “Ofek 11” and, of course, Amos series communications satellites as well as other models.

By the grace and goodness of G-d, Israel possesses a sophisticated satellite network that allows it to receive large volumes of important information in all necessary fields, quickly and accurately.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Израиль атаковал Дамаск и запустил спутник Comments: 0

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